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近日,一段含有种族歧视的 TikTok 视频在网上广为流传,如今该视频已经获得超过600万次观看。

事件发生在洛杉矶西区,两名女子因一只未拴狗绳的狗发生争执。视频显示,一名遛狗的白人女子 Denise Olin 被另一名也在遛狗的亚裔女子 Cindy 要求 Olin 给她的狗拴上狗绳。

视频中,Cindy 说:“让我来教育一下你吧。”而此时,两人开始争锋相对起来。Olin 说:“让我教育你吧,滚回中国去。”

Cindy 说:“我不想让你的狗受伤。”

当 Cindy 叫 Olin “凯伦(Karen)”时,Olin 回答说:“你是亚洲凯伦。”

在争吵中,Olin 反复问 Cindy 是否听懂英语。

Olin 在视频中声称,Cindy 曾称她为“婊子”,“我们街区最讨厌的女人”。Olin 还说 Cindy 也曾让她滚回她的国家去。

Cindy 否认了这一说法,称这都是 Olin 编造的。

Olin 周四在给媒体的短信中为自己的言论道歉,并表示自该视频周一在 TikTok 上发布以来,她收到了死亡威胁。她说:“我很不安,收到了这么多死亡威胁,警方已经介入了。我为我说的话感到抱歉。我的反应很糟糕。这是我们第二次争吵,她也对我说过类似的话,我没有把它拍下来。我对说过的话没有借口。我很后悔。我不是种族主义者,只是笨而已。”

Cindy 在她的 TikTok 帖子上写道:“我是亚洲人,但我不是来自中国。我是一名移民,但我和我的家人已经在美国生活了20多年。这里是我们的家。仍然有人在发表这种种族主义言论,这让我深受伤害。”

@toktiggpvco It took me a couple of days to decide whether I should share this video on social media because I could potentially lose a client, but I believe this kind of behavior should not be tolerated. Context: I’m a dog walker, and I walk a 65lb German Shepherd every day during lunch. On February 7, as we were finishing our walk, there was a lady with her small unleashed dog standing near the apartment entrance. To avoid any potential incidents, I asked the lady from a distance if she could leash her dog for a moment until we got inside the apartment. She refused and told me she had been living on the block forever and that I should not tell her what to do. She insisted that dogs shouldn’t be leashed. Seeing her irrational behavior, I decided not to engage further and quickly brought the German Shepherd back inside. The video captures the incident that occurred yesterday, February 24. As I walked the German Shepherd, she approached with her camera and was harassing me. I began recording as well, and she started making racist comments, telling me to “Go back to China” and mocking the Chinese language. She then proceeded to rally her neighbors and fabricate lies about things I had supposedly said. She continued to harass me down the block. A police car happened to drive by; feeling unsafe, I waved down the police car and asked for help. I filed a police report about the incident, and she also told the police she wanted to file a report. She made up lies to the police, claiming that I had made racist comments toward her, despite the video evidence showing otherwise. I am Asian, but I am not from China. I am an immigrant, but my family and I have been living in America for more than 20 years. This is our home. It deeply hurts me that there are still people out there making such racist remarks. Despite knowing I was recording, the lady still had the audacity to make the hateful speech. It really makes me feel unsafe. I have rewatched this video over and over again. And I am still stunned and find it hard to believe that such blatant and appalling racism occurred in today's world.#hatespeech #racism #dog #losangeles #antiracism #leash #animal #asian #hate #discrimination #karen ♬ original sound - Cindy
来源:  Los Angeles Times
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