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近日,旅游博主Chloe Jade Meltzer疯狂吐槽西班牙Basque Country的一家世界级知名餐厅为她提供了此生最糟糕的一餐,“我花了近$1,000美元吃了这顿恶心的晚餐,隔壁桌的食客甚至拒绝付钱。我真的不敢相信这家餐厅有多糟糕”。

据悉,这家餐厅名叫Mugaritz,是一家位于西班牙的米其林二星餐厅,经常会出现在世界最佳餐厅的名单中。主厨Andoni Luis Aduriz以其烹饪创意而闻名,而餐厅的官网也向大家承诺,“在大约三个小时的时间里,通过大约23-25个创意,我们将共同努力编织一个美食故事。使用双手感受味道、质地和香气,激发所有的感官,唤起我们更原始的习俗”。


@chloejadetravels This was the WORST meal of my life I truly cannot believe how bad this restaurant was, it is a two Michelin star restaurant so it just doesn’t make any sense. Someone literally had the cops called on them and almost got arrested because they did not want to pay for the restaurant, it was that bad. Mugaritz is critically acclaimed as a restaurant that is inventive and special, maybe 20 years ago? And I cannot believe they have held these michelin stars for this long. What is the worst restaurant in the world? It literally might be this restaurant. All of the food tasted so weird. The flavors were just bad, some of the produce was nice, but it seemed like this was almost a social experiment. I will get into it in the next video because this was absolutely crazy Worst restaurant in the world? Where should I eat in spain? Is san sebastian good for food? Where is the Basque region of spain? What is bilbao spain? Is mugaritz a good restaurant #mugaritz #traveler #spaintiktok #sansebastian #finedining #michelinstar ♬ original sound - chloe jade travels







来源:  NY Post
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