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一位消防员的妻子 Jess 近日在 TikTok 上发布了一段视频,提醒大家家中一个常被忽视的火灾隐患——浴室的排气扇。Jess 表示,这个危险但不起眼的地方可能引发毁灭性的火灾,将整个房屋“烧成灰烬”。

这段视频现已获得超过 200 万次观看。在视频中 Jess 声称,她的丈夫是一名有 17 年经验的消防员。在他看来,浴室风扇是家中最危险的火灾源,他甚至将它们称为“房屋毁灭者”。

Jess 指出,位于天花板或高处的风扇,其最大危险在于“几乎没有人想到要清洁它”,尤其是风扇内部的通风管道,导致里面积累大量灰尘。而当风扇短路时,它会产生足够的热量点燃积尘,而火焰会随着管道蔓延到阁楼和楼板里的中空空间,甚至发展到天花板和烟雾探测器上方。而等到火灾被发现时,往往已经太迟了。

@unhingedreviewswjess It’s certainly not the most common, but is the most *dangerous* fire. Why? Because even if you are home, it can go undetected for too long, and it can get out of hand quickly. Remake for the people who said they couldn’t hear me! A lot of people are saying that it’s candle fires, dryer vent fires, or kitchen fires or even space heaters. While I agree that any fire left unattended is a potential “house burner,” a fire in the crawl space of your home is not easily detected OR put out. When the fire department arrives they will most likely “drop the ceiling” to put the fire out. It’s too dangerous to put a body in the crawl space. The above mentioned fires can sometimes be addressed if discovered quickly. Videos on how to clean and replace these vents are coming soon!! Also the #2 house burner. Stay safe, friends! #fire #firefighter #firefightertiktok #firefighters #homeimprovement #renovation #diyproject #homeproject #homerenovation #needtoknow #lifehacks ♬ original sound - Jess

American Family Insurance 的专家证实 Jess 所言非虚。他们指出,风扇状况的细节通常很容易被忽视。“变色、奇怪的声音和气味、风扇启动缓慢以及积尘——这些都是风扇故障或潜在火灾的迹象。”专家建议,应该定期用湿布清洁风扇,而且不要让风扇长时间持续运转。可以考虑安装一个旋转定时开关,让风扇在几分钟后自动关闭。或者也可以在手机上设置提醒,在开启 15 分钟后关闭风扇。

来源:  New York Post
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